Displaying 31 - 35 of 35 in total


“Without people….I cannot go forward, I cannot stand alone.” Pazi (Gambia) has found his pace living in Rome now after almost three years since his rescue and receptio...


Sami (24, Eritrea) pleads to be heard from the Khoms, Libya migrant detention center today, 15 August 2019, after finding the dead from a July shipwreck. Bodies are wa...


In the small town of Isernia, Italy Moses and I close the gap on two years, the time we last saw each other on Lampedusa island just three days after his rescue at sea...


A fleeting encounter on Lampedusa led to a two-year wait that led, finally, to our reunion in the Sicilian seaside city, Agrigento. Ebrima talks housing + food quality...


We meet a year-and-a-half after his Mediterranean rescue and reception on Lampedusa island.

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