
“I did it…I did it. And after I run, I regret it.” Baboucarr (Gambia) killed a man before fleeing home, crossing Libya and the sea, and finally landing in Lampedusa, where I met him in April 2017. He is among a very rare few who have shared the reason why he left his country. In doing this he says “the truth will set me free.” It is an act that has demanded my acceptance and compassion at new levels, and one that defines the driving force behind the work of Migrants of the Mediterranean. Hear what Babou has to say; his story is more nuanced than it appears. Try to listen first without judgement. See what happens. Babou now lives, works, and awaits his final asylum hearing in a small city near Padova, in the north of Italy. Recorded in Padova, September 2019.
Read Babou’s original journey story on the site––anche disponibile in italiano. His followup story and photo essay is forthcoming.
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